In his eyes Llorando Se Fué wasn't that important. Agora que est por cima da carne seca espero que ela aproveite e mostre a diva que existe dentro dela. In an interview with The Originals, conducted in Spanish by the late Julien Put, Gonzalo Hermoza claimed he didn't do it for the pesos. E acredito piamente que 'Chorando se foi' mudou a vida da JLo Por que esse foi o carro chefe que abriu caminho para que ela pudesse divulgar o seu cd em todo o mundo. The Llorando Se Fue/Lambada case gave any 'forgotten' author the chance to sue any opportunist fooling around with it. A symbolic damage was granted and a rectification on any future Kaoma release.

In the end they did win the case, be it just for the honour (very important in Bolivia). By the time they finally knew who to sue, the craze was over. It took a while before the Hermozas, high in their Andes remoteness, realized what was going on.

These respectabele brothers got robbed by two producers: Olivier Lorsac (a Frenchman) and Jean Karakos (from Greece) 'bought' the rights over a bunch of traditional Andes melodies in Brasil, hired studio band Kaoma in the Nordeste province, threw their Llorando barely naked across the dance floor, while collecting royalties under the ficticious name Chico de Oliveira. They both ran a school in Cotiabamba, high in the Andes, teaching traditional Andes music, updating a folk archive, making their own traditional musical instruments and keeping tradition intact. Llorando Se Fué means Crying She Left, composed by Gonzalo & Ulysses Hermoza, two brothers of the band Los Kjarkas, a Bolivian institution. Lambada may be a Brazilian dance rhythm, the melody and lyrics of this smash hit are Bolivian, Spanish instead of Portuguese. The biggest hit of '89, the best selling single in Europe in the eighties, the biggest dance-craze since the Twist was stolen.